Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Tale of Bug

This is 'bug'. Evelyn recognizes it as a lady bug (she has several in her room) and calls it 'bug'. On a number of Kohls shopping trips this cute little stuffed guy has kept her occupied and happy (and not running amok in the aisles) and she never really had a problem leaving the store without 'bug'.

That is, until yesterday. This is that story.

I had to pay a bill and from halfway across the store she spotted the rack filled with various Eric Carle stuffed critters and called out to 'bug'. I obliged and handed her the fuzzy companion without much thought, and went to pay my bill and search for my coffee. 
Immediately she starts singing and having full conversations with 'bug', saying it's name often and frequently repeating 'hi bug' to her new little friend (who's actually almost half her size) all the while giving it plenty of tender hugs. 

I finish searching relatively quickly and make my way to the front of the store (without the coffee I was hoping for) and head to convince her to put bug back with his friends so we can visit him next time. She's not having any of it. I even tried to trick her by offering her a new bug (there were about 20 of the same kind on the shelf) if she put hers down first. She wouldn't budge. Just as I start to loose my resolve and consider purchasing her $5 friend she gives in and declares that she wants to put it 'back' (I understand that she still thought I was going to give her a new one). I had no intention of that, told her she made a good choice and she can visit bug next time we come in. 

She wasn't happy. She cried, but she seemed to get over it fairly quickly considering it was past nap time. 

Bug didn't cross my mind again.

Until bed time when Cliff went to lay her down and she got hysterical asking for 'bug'. He finally came and asked me 'what the hell is bug' and I told him the story. Wow, really? Hours later and she still misses her bug.... Hello, mommy guilt.

This morning she didn't seem to have any problems. We watched a couple of episodes of Diego (her secret crush) and after that she tried to put a puzzle together with her brother. 

Then we dropped him off at school, and she started asking for bug again. 
Mommy guilt back, Kohls is just 2 minutes away from the school, and I can spare $5. 

I start talking to her about how we're going to go pick up bug, is she happy and excited, etc. 

I walk into Kohls and up to the shelf that was overflowing with ladybugs just 24 hours earlier and it's empty. Evelyn recognizes what should be there and asks for bug in her sad voice again. 

I ask a clerk to check the back and he informs me that a lady came in and bought every one in the store just a short while earlier that morning. The next shipment MIGHT come in on Monday. 
My poor, sad little girl can't wait until Monday. 

I called the Antelope store and they had 2 left. I ask them to put one on hold for me and that I was driving straight there and would be there in just 20minutes. 
Not a normal practice for them, but they did it. 

Evelyn and I arrived and walked to where I was told it should be. It's not there but the cashier has heard talk about my needed ladybug and points me in the right direction. 

I forgot my coupon (for shame) and I felt a little guilty purchasing and item she didn't need...
that is until I handed it to her. 

I hand her bug and her whole face lights up. She gets the biggest smile and hugs it. 
She sings bug a song. She sets bug on the ground and tries to ride it. 

She spent the ENTIRE day loving on her ladybug. Talking to it, playing with it, carrying it. She wouldn't leave it behind anywhere. She even tucked it in to go 'nigh nigh'. 

That was $5 well spent.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

And the Mall Goes up in Smoke...

Galleria Mall goes up in smoke. The news says it's blocking out the sun, and after looking at it from my street I have to agree. This picture was taken when the fire first got big around 1:50pm
3pm. Fire fighters finally are able to start spraying water on it from the outside. The boys wanted to see what I meant by saying that the mall was burning down, so I took them to the Costco parking lot across the freeway and this is what we saw.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm an Adult

Trying to take a trip down memory lane I purchaced a box of marshmallow cereal (rice krispies because it was cheaper than lucky charms) and removed ALL the marshmallows to a bowl.

Something you always wanted to do as a kid, and were never allowed to.

I ate the entire bowl (it takes an entire cereal box of marshmallows to fill a bowl)..... and then I understood why it's not advised.

It's a diabetic coma  in waiting. Such and extreme sugar rush that I can walk away and I can say I did it, but I won't be doing it again.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Twelve Months

  • Walks on her own
  • LOVES playing in the pool and splashing in water
  • Likes to play in the sand
  • Begs for any food you're eating
  • Calls out for 'Ala' (Alex)
  • Gives hugs and kisses
  • Blows kisses
  • Sleeps though the night (in her own crib)
  • Drinks from a straw
  • LOVES yogurt!
  • Loves Violet and babies
  • Talks to her baby doll and calls her 'beybe'
  • Can find her belly button (and yours)
  • Points to your nose when asked
  • Finds her bellybutton
  • Points to your nose
  • Points to your eyes and mouth (but not as often as with nose)
  • Plays peek-a-boo by covering her own eyes
  • Likes her water icy cold
  • Don't touch my PB&J
Chewing on her rib bones
She likes to eat her corn WHOLE

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Eleven Months

  • Stands up without holding anything for balance (and can do squats too)
  • Right top tooth popped through 5/20/10, 3 more trying to come through
  • Shakes her head 'no'
  • Doesn't like dogs very much
  • LOVES to empty and fill boxes or containers
  • Doesn't like carrots very much
  • Top left tooth came through 5/26. 2 more top teeth came in 6/1 for a total of 6 teeth
  • Says "go". "No". "Yes".
  • Likes to figure things out and do them herself
  • Wants to eat whatever you are eating
  • Loves plain yogurt
  • Doesn't like it when she is left in the backseat of the car alone
  • Likes to play with the water hose
  • She dropped a large can of Snapple on her left big toe on 6/7 leaving it black and blue and waiting to fall off
  • Loves to swing at the park
  • Not to sure about horses and doesn't like pigs